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How to look like a Million Dollar Wearing Brands and Color Diamonds

How to look like a Million Dollar Wearing Brands and Color Diamonds

Everyone is dreaming to be a millionaire, however it is really hard to achieve. But you can make yourself to look like a millionaire. Impressions and appearances are those things that you really want to build on the eyes of other people. Then if you are not a millionaire and you want to look like one, read on this article on how to do it on yourself.

Ways on How to look like a Million Dollar Wearing Brands and Color Diamonds

1. You should own a custom dress or suit. You do not need to have your suits or dresses custom designed; you can do it on your own. The main part is to have well fitted clothes made of refined materials. Several well placed accessories will add to your image and help you show self-respect, style and importance.


2. Wear a pair of fashionable shoes: nowadays, shoes are as as replaceable as pair of socks. When you wear a pair of obvious classy shoes, it will complement your outfit. No matter what you wear,  high heels will add to your height and make you stand with allure. Try to match the color with the dress.

3. Go within the diamonds: Whether you are a man or woman, dressing for achievement means including diamonds into your outfit. You can go with a classy watch set with diamonds, an elegant pair of diamond earrings or a stylish tennis bracelet. Millionaires always wear diamond jewelry, so don't exit the house without them.

4. Complement your look with an elegant handbag or briefcase. Do not underestimate the main item that houses your essentials. Buy a luxurious looking leather briefcase or a designer handbag. This one is a real must as it will give the finishing touch to your "millionaire" look.

5. Consider wearing designer sunglasses. If you don't like to wearing sunglasses, try to make the effort to get used to them. In addition to cover you skin and protect your eyes for health reasons, they make you look mysterious and therefore, attractive.

6. Go regularly to the hairdresser and barber, to have your hair made up. A good haircut goes a long way.

7. In winter, go with an elegant coat. Get one with a bit of fur and a good cut, it can make you look really good.

8. A lady should always have nice looking nails. All celebs and millionaires take the time to look after themselves and the first thing they do is a manicure. Use a good moisturizing cream to revitalize your hands and use gloves when you wash your dishes. A millionaire certainly never goes round with worn out hands.

9. Large Color diamonds are frequently expensive and very rare, however most people know to combine an assortememnt of smaller stone to recreate the "millionaire" look. Wearing even the smallest color diamond  will upgrade your jewel and inspire you to aristocracy.

As you can surely see, it is not easy to become a millionaire, however this should not deter you from looking like one. Implementing the above tips will help you along the way. There is no need for you to have more money, just by wearing brands and color diamonds you will obtain the look with great satisfaction.

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