Diamonds that are used in religion in the past decades bear significance and symbol to beliefs and practices. For instance, the acira and vajra may symbolize thunder, fire, sun, or lightning and are referred to the dazzling flashes produce by the stones which are commonly called the invisible power.
In some religious philosophy, diamonds are devoted to the planet of Venus which is under Libra and Taurus. These stones are also considered as precious pieces with mystical, healing and magical properties. Many of the religious statues and altars are decorated with color diamonds to show deep passion and value for the Creator.
To some religious culture, the luminous property of color diamonds provides extraordinary powers. They are believed to be a great sign of generosity, virtue as well as courage in battles. A garden or home decorated with color diamonds in every corner is deemed to be sage from storms, illnesses, and lightning.
Hence, diamonds are used in order to cure people who are mentally ill. They expel ghosts and demons or wild dreams and talismans from poisoning. There are some beliefs that diamond particles are a legendary poison. This belief on poisoning is created is after discouraging theft.
Diamonds are simple to distinguish. Jewels are a significant part and symbol of any religious group, whether the wearer is a Hindu or Muslim. For the Hindus, they don’t wear sapphire since it’s said to be the servant of the wicked. And according to them, “the body is the temple of God” and should be decorated with lots of diamonds and other precious jewelries.
In order to create balance in the left and rights sides of the body, aiming for earth’s balance, diamonds and stones is right. The key feature of diamonds in religion is that gods are wearing color diamonds to show faith and passion. While gold is the best metal for God worshipping. Many of the religious altars are made in gold and perfectly decorated with precious diamonds and stone to present divine worship.
In Hebrew, the “Priestly Breastplate" is known to be a sacred jewelry that is only worn by the “High Priest of the Israelites”. This is based on the “Book of Exodus”. Biblically, this famous breastplate is also called as the “breastplate of judgment” since the Thummin and Urim are specifically used for divination. In the Christian belief, color diamonds and jewels provide icon or symbol like a character, object, color or figure. This is to show abstract concepts or ideas through an image of a certain belief.
Hence, the significance of color diamonds in various religions around the world bears special symbols and beliefs that are well practiced for such devotion. Today, many of the religious statues and jewelries are perfectly decorated with these precious gems to signify great love and compassion to God, the Creator. These also symbolize faith and honor. These are a must-have as they flash the credence of every believer.
Now, you have learned about color diamonds and their relation to religion!